Resolve $SELF Names to Cross-Chain Addresses Using ethers.js

This page provides the integration steps to resolve $SELF names to cross-chain addresses using ethers.js. For a complete list of supported chains and their integration keys, see the Supported Chains page.


Ensure you have Node.js installed in your environment.

Integration Steps

Project Initialization

  1. Initialize a new Node.js project in your desired directory:
    npm init -y
  2. Install ethers.js:
    npm i ethers@5.7.2
  3. Update package.json to enable ES6 import/export:
    "type": "module",
  4. Create a file named index.js. Ensure your project structure is as follows:
    - node_modules/
    - package.json
    - package-lock.json
    - index.js

Complete Code Example

  1. Here's the complete script that you can copy and use:

    import { ethers } from "ethers";
    import { keccak256, toUtf8Bytes } from "ethers/lib/utils.js";
    // You can find the complete ABI in our Contract ABIs page: /contract-abis
    const selfNftAbi = [
        inputs: [
            internalType: "uint256",
            name: "tokenId",
            type: "uint256",
        name: "tokenURI",
        outputs: [
            internalType: "string",
            name: "",
            type: "string",
        stateMutability: "view",
        type: "function",
    const SELF_NFT_ADDRESS = "0x125Bb13F77f3565d421bD22e92aaFfC795D97a72";
    const BSC_RPC_URL = "";
    const NAME_TO_RESOLVE = "ricomaverick";
    const CHAIN_TO_RESOLVE = "eth"; // Change this to the chain you want to resolve
    const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(BSC_RPC_URL);
    async function main() {
      const hashedName = BigInt(keccak256(toUtf8Bytes(NAME_TO_RESOLVE))).toString();
      const contract = new ethers.Contract(SELF_NFT_ADDRESS, selfNftAbi, provider);
      // Get token URI
      const tokenUri = await contract.tokenURI(hashedName);
      console.log("Token URI:", tokenUri);
      // Convert IPFS URI to HTTP URL using a public gateway
      const ipfsGateway = "";
      const httpUrl = tokenUri.replace("ipfs://", ipfsGateway);
      // Fetch metadata
      const response = await fetch(httpUrl);
      const metadata = await response.json();
      console.log("Metadata retrieved successfully");
      // Get cross-chain address
      const chainAddress = metadata.foreignAddresses?.[CHAIN_TO_RESOLVE]?.address;
      if (chainAddress) {
          `Resolved ${NAME_TO_RESOLVE} to ${CHAIN_TO_RESOLVE} address: ${chainAddress}`
      } else {
        console.log(`No ${CHAIN_TO_RESOLVE} address found for ${NAME_TO_RESOLVE}`);
    main().catch((error) => {
      process.exitCode = 1;

Running the Script

  1. Execute the script using Node.js:

    node index.js

Make sure you have:

  1. Installed all dependencies (npm install)
  2. Updated the NAME_TO_RESOLVE constant with the name you want to look up
  3. Set the CHAIN_TO_RESOLVE constant to your desired chain


  1. The script outputs the resolved address for the specified chain:

    Token URI: ipfs://bafkreibxwvukmiliv7ckx24s2zrn3aevbxvhqjfm24rti23oo2ne46aj7u
    Metadata retrieved successfully
    Resolved ricomaverick to solana address: 5FHwkrdxkN8yPxmVZc1R6BkVoXHtGwsXHvi6Xo6JuXrX